30 Aug

When you are a marketer who is obsessed with seo then you usually cram as many keywords into your website as possible hoping that this will increase rank in the organic search. But using keywords to increase your rank is a thing of past. As evolution takes place things change and the process of how to manage these things also changes.

Earlier the keywords were the king nowadays the content is the king, that too quality content. We are not saying that keywords do not matter at all. They do matter but not as much as content. This is because the now the websites which are more user friendly instead of search engine are given more preference in rankings. Afterall, the website is for user, not for the search engine so instead of putting more and more keywords into a website it is rather useful if we make their presence look natural and focus on some others factors to help influence your position in the search engine ranking system.

Let’s take a view on some of these factors but keep in mind that a single factor will never determine the success or failure of a website but all the factors working together will do the job.

1) Quality : The quality of the content has become the basic and the foremost thing that determines a user’s interest into a website and keeps him going hitting more links. So, ensure that the user has a reason to spend time on each page.

2) Keywords: The goal is to use each keyword a few times per page, but there is no fixed number. Instead, make sure it works for the content.
Remember, you do not write for search engines. You write for people. The advantage is that search engines (especially Google) notice this and reward you in terms of ranking.

3) Freshness : The QDF (query deserved freshness) policy of google looks for the freshest content that is available on a topic and that is given a boost in the search results.

Therefore, when QDF hits and you are on the right content and the right topic, then you can be in the top results for some days.

4) Vertical search: a vertical search is a categorized search on the basis of images, news, videos etc. If you have content that performs well in vertical search then it can help you succeed in addition to having a web page make the top results.

5) Direct answers: Nowadays increasingly, search engines look for answers to the questions people type in their search bar or in their search box. Some questions are even answered without you having to click on a web page and they come directly from your pages. Although this does not appear to be a success, in reality it can send traffic like any other request, and it is important to provide this helpful, instant information to potential users who have actually placed the query.

If you Want to learn more About SEO tactics. you can visit our Digital Marketing Training Institute Delhi.

ALSO READ: Latest SEO Tricks to Increase your Website Traffic in 2019

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